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Covenant Theology

By August 3, 2021August 12th, 2021No Comments

Geez, that’s a weighty title for today – Covenant Theology. If that’s your thought, I agree with you. In fact, there might not be anything heavier. Defined, covenant theology is the Biblical understanding that God has chosen to enter into relationship with us, to bless us, to walk with us, to be our God, and has chosen us to be the recipients of his love, grace, mercy, and blessings. It’s all throughout the Bible. Before we gave him a thought, he chose us to be his. Not a results of work or effort on our end but rather he chose us just because that’s what he does. “You didn’t chose me, but I chose you…” (John 15:16).

He chose Abram.

He chose Moses.

He chose Deborah.

He chose Mary.

He chose the 12.

He chose Paul.

He chose Lydia.

He chose them all long before they did anything worthy. And He chose you. What a wonderful weighty thought. Covenant Theology.